Random Thoughts

Old people today – tsk

What is it with old people today – isn’t it time they started acting their age?

For example, this morning at the Growers’ market, I meet 94-year-old Tom, off on a morning ramble. No walking stick, no cane, happy to stop and chat.

Fun with receptionists Random Thoughts

Fun with receptionists # 1

Why receptionists are a pain in the lower abdomen,  part # 1 of ‘fun with receptionists’, a continuing story ….

I ring the dentist today, for I am Longer in the Tooth, and Shorter in the amount. There are still some left for masticating.

This is how the conversation goes:

Random Thoughts

“Run with me”

I had some harmless fun and games today while visiting an Arena of Past Sorrows.

The old school running track, to be exact. The reluctant co-player was an unsuspecting high-school PE teacher herding the Lads in a morning workout.