Jobs Vietnam


I have a job starting Thursday January 2nd.

The school I turned down because the hours were too brutal got back to me with a part-time offer.

Fifteen hours a week – 10 sessions of 90 minutes, 5 days a week 0830 – 1145. The pay rate was too good to turn down.

Even better, the job ends January 17. After that I may be offered further weeks or months.

I’m happy about the short term, because it’s going to be a challenge doing such long sessions. And, more importantly, I’m having some success with online teaching.

I’m enjoying the flexibility, and the conversation with adults.

But meantime, I’ll make hay while the sun shines at the school.

In prep for that, I’m currently holed up in temporary digs dodging the madness of New Year’s revelry.




I was peacefully ambling back from my morning caffeine when Gollum appeared.

At first, I mistook him for one of the ubiquitous, noisy, and loathsome local mutts.

But a third glance revealed sandals on his hands, which were two of All Fours.

As I got closer, the poor bastard – a cripple of some sort , maybe 30 – looked up from his lope with a genuine and beatific smile.

I gave him an idiot grin back, and kept going.

He offered a passing motorcyclist a hat, which was duly filled with small bills.

Mr. Churlish here finally clicked, and chipped in. I got a “thank you”, in perfect English.

Genuine gratitude , for which reminder I paid a pittance.




The monring coffee ritual is turning out to have a double benefit.

Frequenting the same cafe has meant I’m starting to make some connections here in Nha Trang.

The latest is a French Vietnamese named Claude, a man who could read a bus timetable, and make it sound like Remembrance of things Past.

He ambled over to my table to say hello after I stared at him, trying to figure out whether he was part Maori. He has the skin tone, and flat, hooked nose for it.

He is almost my age, and grew up in Paris , leaving school at around 15. “I did not like getting up in the morning, you see”.

He is part Vietnamese, and came to Vietnam after crossing the road to buy a ticket to the US. “The tickets for ze States was ‘ere, and ze ticket for Vietnam was over ‘ere. I thought, no, I am going to Vietnam.”

He’s been in Vietnam now for 14 years, and is relentlessly cheerful, and carefree.

The other day, the entire contents of his under-construction house had been stolen. Maybe it was bravado, but he shrugs. “I do not care”. He guessed the value at a few million VND ( ~= 200 USD ).

He appears to knows his way around Nha Trang, and he’s street-smart, an original thinker, and speaks four languages.

The good coffee, and a dose of The World According to Claude, are the perfect morning filip.

Jobs Vietnam

Snoop Doggy Dog & Job Jobby Jobs

[UPDATE 22-12-19, Timeline Nha Trang…]
This post has become cancerous, growing all over the place but doing nobody any good.

So here’s the latest: after jumping through all the circus hoops for one online outfit, I’m finally getting online teaching work!

Pay isn’t great, $10 US/ hr, but during the last 2 days I earned $85 sitting on my couch. The platform is Bibo Global, and it’s mainly giving lessons chatting to Japanese adults with pre-prepared material.

Of course, I haven’t been paid yet. But counting chickens ( the company is large, and I assume wouldn’t survive if it was a total scam ), if my booking rate continues as is, I should just be able to support myself from wherever.

Watch this space. Below is the cancer.