I can see clearly now

What a difference a day makes.

Yesterday the isolation of a few days off work gave rise to dark thoughts about how long I’d have a job for.

My Thai co-teacher was making ( via Line , the Thai chat app ) ominous noises about the volume of work coming up as mid-term exams appraoched. It looked like some sloppy bureaucracy from either him or the school would create a truck-load of extra admin work for me.

I was uncertain about what kind of reception I’d get after four extra days off ( on doctor’s orders ) nursing the foot.

I’d come to dislike where I’ve been living for the past two weeks – no shelving at all ( not even in the bathroom ). A marble-tiled floor which is nigh impossible to keep clean. The sacrifice of inside floor-space for a deck. Watching the power bleed through the meter..

Not enough sleep, and a foot which is improving too slowly.

So it hasn’t been all beer and skittles.

But I forced myself through the morning routine, and got to work in time, tie ‘n all as usual. And just got through the classes.

Turned out there was no committee waiting with a pink slip. Turned out that none of the classes were a total disaster. Turned out the Thai teacher had done quite some legwork patching up the record-keeping.

Police Clearance

The Thai police clearance came through from the Bangkok run. Another hurdle cleared with bruises in the tender bits.

Teacher’s Registration

And so the wheels keep turning. I supplied SOM-who-must-be-obeyed with the required mugshots, and my teacher’s registration is on its way. In two months or so.

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