Australia Cairns


I’ve run across – not over – some strange birds here on meandering through the city, but pelicans? Who knew?

Seems they’re regular visitors, coming to these parts in winter to breed.

They enjoy the mudflats, so Cairns, with its mudflats stretching hundreds of meteres off-shore, is perfect.


My own southern migration plans are back with the committee after a school-friend from last Millenium kindly offered to put me up in Brisbane.

Maybe the biggest regret of the South-East Asia jaunt was failing to take time out to explore more.

So it seems that not taking the chance to catch up with him, and see some of the Big Smoke, on my way south, would be a mistake.

One reply on “Migration”

Loving the posts, thanks. Vivienne and I were thinking about spots on the coast south of Cairns that we stopped at on our trip, so heres a few suggestions if youre able to..I dont know if the tilt train goes all the way to Cairns from Brizzy so you could stop over here n there?
Arlie beach is quite lovely, Rockampton we thought was not too bad, especially the beaches out from there, I think Yepoon comes to mind. But I seem to remember quite a few cool places all the way up the coast. Might be a shame to miss out on seeing those ‘out of the way’ places…?

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